The Pod Couple

Welcome to the Family Feud edition of TGIF Beer Wars. Guardian White IPA and Nocturnum Dark IPA, both from Strange Fellows Brewing out of Vancouver, BC, Canada are going head to head.  Who will emerge the victor? Listen in and find out as The Pod Couple and Super Taster Dougems sample Strange Fellow’s offerings.  CHEERs and Happy Friday!

Strange Fellows Brewing:

Need a new tie, a quality yet affordable tie?  Check out and use the promo code 'podcouple' to get free shipping.  We have ours and LOVE them.

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones! 

Have you checked out our Patreon? Come on! Give it a gander and leave us a tip! We appreciate it.

Hosts:PodGuy and PodGal

Music:Family Feud Theme Song




Website:  T-Shirts for Sale


Books:Presidential 21 on Smashwords and Amazon

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: TGIF_Beer_Wars_Strange_Fellows_Brewing_Family_Feud.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 5:18pm PST

Podgal kicks off the show with an update on her latest outing where everything went splendidly right. Yay!

PodGuy likes inventing – what can we say. His newest idea seems a bit out there, what do you think?

And, speaking of questions, Hey, Late Night Drinkers, why are you drinking so late – get that new hashtag trending #podcastandchill!

A shout out to last week’s guest Space Goat!  We want him back on the show!  #bringback #spacegoat  

This leads to a discussion on Harry Potter on Broadway, the epic disaster of the Spiderman Play, the classic Spiderman cartoon and Italian Spiderman (check it out).

PodGuy wants to open up marketing to anything and everything and PodGal tries to shut it down. Naturally, this falls into epic marketer, KISS, discussion. 

Finally, we talk about the origin of the term Jumping the Shark.

And, in there somewhere, is the Phoning It in With Harland Williams.

Need a new tie, a quality yet affordable tie?  Check out and use the promo code 'podcouple' to get free shipping.  We have ours and LOVE them.

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Music:Vexento – Where We Belong




Website:  T-Shirts for Sale


Books:Presidential 21 on Smashwords and Amazon

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: Breaking_Godfather.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 5:07pm PST

Buckle up - very special guest, Space Goat (goat, goat, goat....), joins The Pod Couple on this extremely entertaining podcast.  If you’ve never met a Space Goat then you are in for a treat, and, well, if you have, you know that you are gonna' wanna' tune in!  Don't miss this one!

PodGal kicks off the show with some quick updates:

  • Lilies spoiling dinner
  • Prometheus – watch out for that clover
  • The Succulent Army
  • PodDog

Space Goat shares his origin story, and it’s all kinds of crazy fun.

Remember Truck Balls?  Well, PodGuy talks about the next best thing.

In preparation for an upcoming event, a rock, paper scissors challenge between Space Goat and PodGal takes place. One, Two….. 

PodGal talks about a special kind of paint party, and PodGuy brings up the big stink about Bob Ross’ hair.

Time  travel – is it really possible? Space Goat sets the scene and from there, the group speculates about where they would travel to and how not to mess up past events.

This morphs into chat about more jobs going to Mr. Roboto, flipping out over pumping your own gas, and a time travellin’ tourism.

They wrap with a recap of Coca Cola’s PlantMatter and King Spring.

I'm going to give KING SPRING his own line!!! He deserves it!

Hosts:PodGuy and PodGal

Music:Vexento – Where We Belong

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!




Website:  T-Shirts for Sale


Books:Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: Come_Time_Travel_with_Special_Guest_SPACE_GOAT.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 4:25pm PST

The Pod Couple sits down hot off the viewing of ‘A Quiet Place’.  Join in this entertaining podcast to hear about the movie experience, and reaction to the sold out showing of 'Book Club'.  

Hosts:PodGuy and PodGal

Music:Vexento – Where We Belong

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!




Website:  T-Shirts for Sale

Direct download: A_Quiet_Place_Movie_Discussion.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 5:28pm PST