The Pod Couple

Hilarity ensues with Dave Peniuk as he talks about Celebrity Sightings including the Mile High Club, Crossing the Border Hacks, Humper Dogs, dreams coming true, being a winner, and yes bull’s milk!

All hopped up on warm bull’s milk – Dave Peniuk joins The Pod Couple to update us on his projects, playing crud and a Celebrity Sighting Game, they then get into HUMPER DOGS, frustrations, dreams becoming a reality and being a winner! 



(note all times are approximate!)

7:00 mins:  Crud Experience  - fun and frustrating. Overheard at the game: 'What a dick move',  'Someone dirtied themselves out', 'dirtied themselves on the bus', 'they dirtied themselves', 'she's dirty' 'serve me', 'hail to the king'.

13:27 mins:  Celebrity Sightings Play along.  

24:29 mins: Humper Dogs!  PodGal sees a video (link below)  and trauma surfaces. She's looking for help and has questions.  Whether its at a friends, on a trampoline or at a delphinium farm Humper Dogs are no laughing matter. Not cool. Have you ever 'owned' one.  Strategies on dealing with said dogs are welcome!

Trampoline Hump Dog Original


33:00 mins You know what isn’t fun - Teaching the elderly how to get on to  Amazon Alexa and Echo


36:56 mins – Dave has a life hack re: crossing the border. Creative ways to get across - let's hear more.

40:40 mins -  They wrap with dream talk. If you have a dream and you crap yourself, will you crap yourself in real life? Dream within a dream. Strategic sheet choice, but no matter what, Dave Peniuk always comes out a winner. 

Where to find Dave? Apparently your best bet is in first class or at the airport lounge. Barring that, give these sites a try:

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Guests: Dave Peniuk

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Website:  T-Shirts for Sale


Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: _Humper_Dog__Special_Guest_Dave_Peniuk.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 2:33pm PST

Hail to the King, Tide Pizza Pods, and, say what - Pizza Bikinis (yum yum)!  Sounds like a good one!


  • It was hectic and hot working coat check at PM Trudeau’s event, a day to remember – I wonder how PodGal might commemorate.
  • Hail to the King – there’s a new Crud King in town.

Too soon? Tide Pizza Pods. And speaking of pizza, check out those pizza bikinis.

PodGuy goes Balls out for Valentine’s Day.

R2D2 finds a home with The Pod Couple but the young adoptee may not be happy when he finds out that things have not gone as expected. Hey R2, is that your arm?

Sharing fogged up sunglasses with a stranger, yellow sunglasses at a country bar, meeting a neighbour on a hike and having an awkward chat.

Please support the show by telling your friends, subscribing and if you like what you're hearing, please give us a rating and a review.

Shoutouts to: The Crazy Town Podcast, Ink Master and The X Files

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Website:  T-Shirts for Sale

Patreon: Coming THIS week! (I know, I know, you've heard it before, but this week, it happens!)

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: Tide_Pizza_Pods_Pizza_Bikinis__rudeau_Tattoos.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:50pm PST

We had an absolute blast with Jonaas and TNT Dino-Might from The Crazy Town Podcast.  Join us for a fun session filled with wit, laughter and entertainment.  Lots of topics covered - everything from tittynope and timbits to ‘would you date a rider’. 

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Drinks:  Glorious wine and a tequila

Guests: Jonaas and TNT DinoMight from The Crazy Town Podcast

You can find The Crazy Town Podcast on your favorite pod catcher – soundcloud, itunes, etc. Do yourself a favour – download, listen, subscribe and review.

@thecrazytowpod @crazytownmedia

Need a new tie, a quality yet affordable tie?  Check out and use the promo code 'podcouple' to get free shipping.  We have ours and LOVE them.

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Website:  T-Shirts for Sale

Patreon: Coming THIS week!

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: Hold_On_To_Your_Toques_The_Crazy_Town_PodCast_Is_In_The_House.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 8:46am PST

Joop it up folks, the Prime Minister is coming to town. Podgal is volunteering whilst PodGuy pickets. He’s got a question! 

Some podcast characters visit The Pod Couple in their dreams which leads to chat about turkey, basting, an unhealthy love for Thanksgiving, the CinemaRama, PodGuy left holding the bag and a life hack from PodGal.

Ever ridden a hobby horse? Well, PodGal has and fancies herself as quite the hobby horse equestrian. She’s thinking of training for a competition.

They wrap with updates on the King of Crud game, their Let’s Make Friends event.  


Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Drinks: Bin 555  

Need a new tie, a quality yet affordable tie?  Check out and use the promo code 'podcouple' to get free shipping.  We have ours and LOVE them.

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Website:  T-Shirts for Sale

Patreon: Coming VERY soon!

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: PMTrudeauComesToTownUncleRogerCinemaRamaHobbyHorsesMore.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:38pm PST