Fri, 20 January 2017
Drinks: Fieldhouse Brewing's Eastern IPA vs TwinSails Brewing's Juice Plus IPA final Twitter: @thepodcouple Email: Facebook: Instagram: @thepodcouple Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it! ElVira,VincentPrice,StarWars,Lego,MadMen,AVeryMadMenChristmas,TwitterPolls,AmazonPrime,MistressofDarkness, Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!
Direct download: TGIF_Craft_Beer_Wars_-_Fieldhouse_Brewings_Eastern_IPA__vs_TwinSails_Brewings_Juice_Plus_IPA.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 2:48pm PST |
Thu, 19 January 2017
After a rather awkward intro, PodGuy recounts a recent trip to the hair dressers (is that what they’re called - I think they prefer the label of 'stylist', but in this case did she deserve either?). The remainder of the podcast can be summed up in a series of Twitter Polls:
Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal
Drinks: Who Knows. Twitter: @thepodcouple Email: Facebook: Instagram: @thepodcouple Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it!
Fri, 13 January 2017
![]() TGIF – Craft Beer Wars. Battle of Some Imperial IPAs We have a couple of Imperial IPAs, and, apparently, they'll only ever be brewed once. Okay, hopheads, here’s a couple of strong ones for you. Phillips Brewing’s Missile Toad Imperial IPA and Category 12’s Subversion Imperial IPA. Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal Guests: Dougems Drinks: Category 12’s Subversion Imperial IPA and Phillips Brewing’s Missile Toad Imperial IPA Twitter: @thepodcouple Email: Facebook: Instagram: @thepodcouple Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it! Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!
Direct download: TGIF_Craft_Beer_Wars_-_Phillips_Brewings_Missile_Toad_Imperial_IPA_vs_Category_12_Brewings_Subversion_Imperial_IPA.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 5:52pm PST |
Fri, 6 January 2017
![]() Well – it’s that time again FRIDAY, and we're drinking stouts, and interesting stouts at that. Cheers! Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal Guests: Dougems Drinks: Light House Brewing Seaport Vanilla Stout Dead Frog Brewing Nutty Uncle Peanut Butter Stouts Twitter: @thepodcouple Email: Facebook: Instagram: @thepodcouple Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it! Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!
Direct download: TGIF__Craft_Beer_Wars._Light_House_Brewing_Vanilla_Stout_and_Dead_Frog_Brewing_Nutty_Uncle_Peanut_Butter_Stout.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:29pm PST |
Thu, 5 January 2017
Pod Guy starts off with Celebrity Deaths. At about the 6 minute mark, Pod Gal sheds some light on the appendix and what it might have been used for. 12 or so minutes in PodGuy relays a tale of a caper and the lengths some kids will go to for more PokeBalls. There's lots of drops and information. You'll learn about a little known fact about Ron Jeremy and Ghost Busters. The group then reminisces about some lunch time routines. They talk about The Flintstones (It's a Living!), Rocky and Bullwinkle, Battle Star Galactica and more. Stay tuned to the end - you might hear a bit of Dougems/PodGuy singing. HAPPY 2017 everyone and thanks for listening!!!! hearts, hearts and more hearts Drops: PodGuy 'Is this segment done yet?' PodGuy 'You lost me at creator' 'Are we sea monkeys' Dougems: 'who has a penis bone' Dougems: 'It's not like he cut her thumb off' Google: 'Do racoons have a bone in their pecker?' PodGal Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram. Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us suggestions for topics or questions that you would like us to answer. Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal with ear flapping by PodDog in the background Drinks: a very forgettable cheap bottle of red Twitter: @thepodcouple Email: Facebook: The Pod Couple Instagram: @thepodcouple Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!
Direct download: Year_End_Wrap_-_Celebrity_Deaths_The_Flinstones_The_Penile_Bone_and_More.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 5:27pm PST |