The Pod Couple

The Pod Couple sits down with Doug'ems at the Tiki Bar. Join them as they are in mid conversation about the robot 'torture' scene in 'Return of the Jedi'. They then move one to stories of rock collecting in Drumheller, Mount Ranier and along the Fraser River. Learn about shoe sacrifices to the Hoodoo Gods and the perils of taking a cockamamie way out of the canyon as PodGal sees her life flash before her eyes. A special visitor surprises them with a gift - a Christmas miracle. ENJOY!

Direct download: Ep._12_Tiki_Bar_discussions_re._rock_collection_Drumheller.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 10:57am PST

The Pod Couple and guest have a fun chat at the Tiki Bar where they talk about Beer Porn (what exactly is it?), The Starwars Christmas, how to differentiate between the Wookie sexes, Rick Springfield, and then wrap it up with a discussion about very strict Peanut Butter allergy restrictions at school.

Direct download: Ep_11_podcouplebeer_porn.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:47pm PST

The Pod Couple talks about happenings over the summer during a dry Run.  Pod Gal starts off by talking about early morning movies. Then Pod Guy brings up some things that have obviously been bothering him: Garburators Disguised as Composters, alleged empty dishes in the fridge and butter milk bombs. They then talk about cumcumber condoms, funny bits, rabbits in the neighborhood. Finally, they practice talking into the mike and avoiding dropping their phones.