The Pod Couple

Relaxing on the couch, the Pod Couple recounts some of their 'adventures' over the past week.  Much to her chagrin, PodGal dons her Big Girl Pants and relies on her rape whistle and evil eye pendant during some scary times walking the streets during the wee hours of the morning and later avoiding being rear ended. As well, she cleverly conceals her wallet as she swings the decoy purse over her shoulder!

The Couple debates their definitions of 'use' and 'accident' and tell stories about 'using' a rape whistle and an 'accident' involving a giant, concrete penis.

Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us a review. You can also find us on Google Play Music.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal 

Drinks: water

Twitter: @thepodcouple


Facebook: The Pod Couple

Instagram: @thepodcouple

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: OMG_Dont_Jump.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 10:50am PST

Before dipping into the Fox Book to launch a new segment called 'The Rumour Mill', the Pod Couple reminds the listeners to write in with suggestions, comments and/or questions as PodGuy is ready to start giving out advice.

PodGal talks about her Rude Awakening, Pod Dog antics and the surprising outcome that resulted from answering the door.

Pod Guy has a round of 'Versus', and Pod Gal has some news stories - one adorable and one not so much.

PodGal then talks about the opening of the Princess Balcony (PB) this week and an annual challenge where the winner gets a beer!

They close the show off with a story about Porn Vs  Porno and the inspiration for PodGuy's new ringtone which he's promised to publish using his Sexy Voice.  Don't forget to check out all of the Pod Couple's ringtones/notifications on Zedge.


Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us suggestions for topics or questions that you would like us to answer.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal 

Drinks: Bin 555 (one of PodGuy's favs)

Twitter: @thepodcouple


Facebook: The Pod Couple

Instagram: @thepodcouple

Find our ringtones/notifications on Zedge.

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: I_say_Porn_You_say_Prono.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:21pm PST

The Pod Couple looks forward to their upcoming Iron Maiden Concert, and Bruce Dickenson's classic 'Scream for Me <insert city name>' scream. Who else 'sing screams', besides Dave Grohl that is?

PodGal then thanks the PodGuy for assisting her with the reset of some of her car's digital settings that were lost after the car battery died, alone, at the airport. The Couple then has a debate on the reason for the battery's demise.  Stay tuned and listen in  to the end of the show - PodGal tells a tale about how her GPS taking on some macabre characteristics.

PodGal has an Update from PodFriend about the boa discussion in the previous episode.

The PodCouple then talks about ice in the mouth, and, coincidentally shortly thereafter happens upon an episode of 'Scubs' that talks about Ice Tongue.

PodGuy's pumped about 4- 26:  the International Alien Day.  Stayed tuned for a video from The Couple!

Thanks Harland Williams for the inspiration - check out his podcast, the Harland Highway, and the Pod Couple's Notifications on Zedge, and, hey, if you want a personalized ringtone, the first 10 people to email the PodCouple requesting one will receive a free personalized ring tone.

PodGuy is ready to intervene - he's quite concerned about the time PodGal spends listening to Pod Casts. Clearly PodGuy hasn't been listening - did you hear - he accidentally tried to glom on to Adam Carolla's 'Get it On'.  Bad PodGuy. They continue to look forward to their first experience with Mangria. Come to us MANGRIA! Vancouver screams for you.


Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us suggestions for topics or questions that you would like us to answer.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal with ear flapping by PodDog in the background

Drinks: Rum in a nice glass accompanied by very noisy ice cubes.

AND A Malbec from Argentina – Dona Paula, Los Cardos, Malbec 2015 (fondly known as 'The Thistle Wine')

Twitter: @thepodcouple


Facebook: The Pod Couple

Instagram: @thepodcouple

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: Scream_for_Me_Vancouver.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 9:09pm PST

“The Ripper”

Pod Guy welcomes the listeners to the podcast and commits to it being a ‘ripper’! Hang on and enjoy the listen!

Pod Gal gives an update on the use of the emoji in response to PodSon#1’s text. She then has a bit of a beef and goes through some of the many, many open internet tabs on her phone. She then talks about how Japan’s women’s curling team inspired her and reminded her that it is okay to laugh and have fun at work. Doing a good job and having fun aren’t mutually exclusive. She finishes up this portion talking about how Kenny Rogers saved her life whilst driving home from a volley ball tournament. Train, ‘Calling all Angels’ did the same thing at a very different time as did Harry Potter (on tape)!

Pod Guy talks about ‘social lubrication’ and the couple goes on to talk about their thoughts on Vaseline on the nightstand, asking a friend who’s gay to be more flamboyant for a day, breast feeding, La Leche League, what happens when the guys take over social event planning at the office, etc.


 Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us suggestions for topics or questions that you would like us to answer.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal with ear panting by PodDog in the background

Drinks: a very less than average Red Ale

Twitter: @thepodcouple


Facebook: The Pod Couple

Instagram: @thepodcouple

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: The_Ripper.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 11:31am PST