The Pod Couple

The podcast kicks off with a boozy beginning. Yay 2019!

Disney Princesses sure know how to party and reflect, but who are the ladies behind the Princesses?  Honest to Gawd, PodGuy’s obsessed.

The plight of the survival of The Middle Child – will they soon be on the endangered list?

Did you know what the Living Room was once called the Death Room? SpaceGoat dazzles us with some history. 

Patches and Pins – what’s your preference? Could the patch be considered the gateway to the tattoo? 

Alpaca Cat – gotta love her, but those decapitations at the beginning of the day have to stop!

There’s a  Red Snowman Tumbling Through Outer Space, an you’re going to hear all about it in The Space Goat News. 

PodGuy introduces a new segment - First World Problems.

Quality Street Chocs – yay or nay?

Need a new tie, a quality yet affordable tie?  Check out and use the promo code 'podcouple' to get free shipping.  We have ours and LOVE them.

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones! 

Have you checked out our Patreon? Come on! Give it a gander and leave us a tip! We appreciate it.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Guest: SpaceGoat

Twitter: @thepodcouple




Website:  T-Shirts for Sale

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords and Amazon

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!


Direct download: The_Pod_Couple_Illegal_Parking_on_Quality_Street_Honest_To_Gawd.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:34pm PST