The Pod Couple

Living in PJs and in serious training for the Rock, Paper, Scissors challenge, PodGal may have to ease up as she’s loosing her knack. PodGuy’s got a question about pre-boiling, is it as efficient as PodGal thinks it is? Let’s have a big ol’ hug in – you know, the Circle of Love – sounds good but could be dangerous.WARNING, Circle of Love could cause injury and possible death.

PodGuy coaxes PodGal into recounting her near death experience at the farm. 

PodGuy checks the mail and gets a very frightening letter, but things look up when he receives a welcomed package.

Promo for: I Shake My Head Podcast  

Mentions: to the NFG Radio, Radio Wastelands, and The Unscripted Promocast.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal

Music: Vexento – Where We Belong

Want a Pod Couple T-shirt? Check out our website and place an order. PodGal is a huge fan of the super soft ones!

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Website:  T-Shirts for Sale


Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: PodGals_Near_Death_Barnyard_Experience.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 6:43pm PDT