The Pod Couple

Join The Pod Couple with guests: Dave Peniuk and Jeff Carpenter. 

Listen in get the skinny on Dave's  manbun and a Foo Man Choo mustache, his upcoming pilot called 'Free Weed', his appearance on ABC's 'Imaginary Mary', why he likes acting, his CD collection gifted to PodGuy, tales of his commercial fishing days, his nick names, and BTW, just where does one park a semi!

Give it a listen and go deep with Dave Peniuk. 

This was recorded on St. Patrick's Day 2017 after the group had seen Get Out. 

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal.

Guests: Jeff Carpenter and Dave Peniuk

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it!

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!


Direct download: Going_Deep_with_Dave_Peniuk.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:00am PST