The Pod Couple

Drinks: Red Racer Red Ale

Boozed up on life and memories of being transported back to Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Black Label Claret

Away from the Tiki Bar, the PodGuy shares some news – and the best part is – there is a surprise involved. He then opens up the Fox Book – and – you guessed it – he goes dark.

PodGal then opens up a little black book and commences to share a #winereview #podcouplewinereviews. The review transports them back in time. She then asks the listeners for some advice. Thanks,

Pod Guy then has another announcement – send in your emails, we’re going to be giving life, relationship, dating advice.

The couple then does some party planning and awaits Weird Al’s reply. Come on Al – time’s a tickin’.

Pod Gal closes off the show with a bit of a beef. Let me know if you feel the same way.


Check out Episode pictures on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Please subscribe to us on iTunes and send us suggestions for topics or questions that you would like us to answer.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal with ear flapping by PodDog in the background

Drinks: a very forgettable cheap bottle of red

Twitter: @thepodcouple


Facebook: The Pod Couple

Instagram: @thepodcouple

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!



Direct download: One_Step_Above_A_Yahoo.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 9:49pm PST