The Pod Couple

Unwanted intruders with a twist or two. 

PodGal's Life Hack - grass, big fat juicy grubs and raccoons

Squirrels and spilled milk.

Cruise ship goes dark for 10 days to avoid pirates.  Looking for a member of the cruise come on the podcast

Amazon – the pod couple loves amazon.  Making dinner and out of an ingredient – call AMAZON.

Would love an update on Bubbles the chimp. We all wonder how he's doing.

Soft Soap stories, missed opportunities and a Flintstone’s jingle.

Dissenssion in the KISS army with the Generals

Paul Stanley Chris Corpse

RIP Glen Campbell

Alice is a good golfer – so, we’ve heard.

KISS Cow & Controversy, spilt milk, squirrels gone bad, big fat juicy grubs, lights out - evading pirates

Dougems watches some old movies, including Animal House.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal 

Guests: Dougems

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it!

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!

Direct download: KISSSpiltMilkSquirrelsGoneBadBigFatJuicyGrubsEvadingPirates.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 8:44am PST