The Pod Couple
How Dare a Leo Piss on Scorpio’s Month, Suspicious Celebrity Deaths and More

PodGuy kicks off the podcast lamenting the fact that there is a Leo Mug in the house – how dare this happen during his birthday month – the month of the Scorpio’s Bday!

Dougems reminisces about some beloved headphones, satin short shorts, ‘Chips’ – he goes deep into the 70’s! Then PodGuy brings up some old news about our beloved William (Bill to his friends) Shatner and a suspicious tragedy. ‘Weird or What!’ says Dougems. ‘It’s Brilliant Bill!’ exclaims Dougems.  The group then talks about more weird (or what) celebrity deaths. 

PodGuy then consults his notebook, and he and Dougems begin to compose a song. 

And, you’re not going to believe this! He consults his book again and tells a tale about pain and a great invention to avoid a sharp pain that most parents (and more) can relate to.  In related news, PodGal’s saving up her birthday money and is contemplating blowing it all on a kick ass Lego set.

Throughout the show, PodGuy’s trying to get a new catch phrase going, and let me tell ya’, it doesn’t really  catch on.

They group talk about Our Moment – the Jay’s Game and Pod Gal learns, the hard way, that basic cable really does mean BASIC, and unfortunately, it ends with Pod Gal standing her mom up on a date.

PodGuy then presents some facts about super heroes, crushing weaknesses and the colour yellow. He then admits to one of his secret weaknesses which leads to a memory of a trip to Mexico where he was in a grocery store where his secret (no longer) weakness could have ended with bad results as PodGal waiting in the cab.

They wrap with a bit of tequila and tequila worm talk, and another admission by PodGuy of yet another secret weakness. And, finally, he talks about a new crime podcast.

Hosts: PodGuy and PodGal 

Guests: Dougems

Drinks: Longwood Brewery’s Full Patch Pumpkin Ale, and LOOK OUT it is 9%!

Twitter: @thepodcouple



Instagram: @thepodcouple

Zedge: Check out our Notifications and Wallpapers. Pod Guy is really into it!

Books: Presidential 21 on Smashwords

Have a great day - hope it just got a little bit better!
